BOLT Quotation Terms & Conditions

Quotation Terms & Conditions

Version 1.1

  1. Definitions


  1. BOLT means Bulk Oil Liquid Transport Pte Ltd
  2. Transit and Lead times: The time required for goods to be transported from the point of origin to the destination
  3. Merchant: any party involved in the commercial activities related to the transportation of goods or has who has a legal or commercial interest in the goods being transported and who can be held responsible under the terms of the shipping contract i.e., Shipper, Consignee, Exporter, Importer, Buyer, Seller, Forwarder, Holder of the Bill of Lading, party mentioned in the Release order Delivery Order.
  4. Quotation: A formal statement of the estimated price and conditions for a specific service provided
  5. Without Prejudice: A legal term meaning that a statement or action is made without affecting one's legal rights or claims
  6. Amend: To make changes or modifications
  7. Indemnify: To compensate for harm or loss.
  8. Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF): A surcharge applied to shipping costs to account for fluctuations in fuel prices.
  9. Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF): A surcharge applied to account for fluctuations in currency exchange rates
  10. Piracy Risk Surcharge (PRS): An additional charge imposed to cover the risk of piracy in certain regions.
  11. War Risk Surcharge (WRS): An additional charge to cover the risk of war in certain regions
  12. Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): A tariff on carbon-intensive products imported into countries with strict environmental regulations.
  13. EU Emissions Trading System (ETS): A market for trading carbon emission allowances to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  14. Emergency Bunker Surcharge: An additional charge imposed due to unexpected changes in fuel prices.
  15. Equipment Imbalance Surcharge: A fee charged when the supply of shipping containers is unbalanced, requiring repositioning.
  16. General Rate Increase (GRI): A planned increase in shipping rates by carriers
  17. Hazardous Surcharge: A fee applied to the transport of dangerous or hazardous goods.
  18. Overweight Surcharge: A fee applied when the cargo exceeds the weight limits.
  19. Special Equipment Surcharge: An additional charge for the use of special equipment required for the transport of certain goods
  20. Congestion Charges: Fees imposed due to delays or congestion at ports.
  21. Classifying the Products: Properly identifying and categorizing goods according to relevant regulations and standards.
  22. Placarding: The act of placing warning signs on containers or transport vehicles to indicate the presence of hazardous materials.
  23. Shut Out: The exclusion of goods from being loaded onto a scheduled or nominated vessel due to lack of space or other issues.
  24. Surcharge: An additional charge or fee added to the base rate.
  25. Tank Container: A type of container specifically designed to carry liquids or gases.
  26. Periodic Testing: Regular inspection and testing required to ensure the safety and compliance of equipment.
  27. Sanctions Check: A review to ensure compliance with international trade sanctions and regulations
  28. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): A document that provides information on the properties, handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals and Hazardous cargo.
  29. Disponent Owner: A person or company that has control over a vessel through a charter but does not hold the legal title of ownership.
  30. Total Loss: The complete destruction or loss of a vessel or cargo or tank container, rendering it unusable.
  31. Pitting: The formation of small, localized areas of corrosion on the surface of a metal.
  32. Pre-inspection Survey Report: A report documenting the condition of a tank or container before it is loaded with goods
  33. Tariff: A schedule of rates and charges imposed by a carrier or government
  34. Cargo Worthy: A condition indicating that a container or vessel is suitable for the safe transport of goods.
  35. Sanctions Legislation: Laws and regulations that restrict trade with certain countries, individuals, or entities.
  36. Terms and Conditions: The detailed provisions and stipulations that govern the agreement between parties involved in a transaction.
  37. Detention Rate: A fee charged for the extended use of a container or vessel beyond the agreed free period.
  38. Free Days: The period during which no detention charges are applied for the use of a container or vessel.
  39. Lift on/Lift off Charges: Fees associated with the loading and unloading of containers from vessels or other modes of transport
  40. Detention Tariff: A schedule of rates applied for the detention of containers beyond the free period.
  41. Bill of Lading: A legal document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment
  42. Tank Hire: The rental fee for the use of a tank container.


  1. Any transit and lead times shown in the quotation are for informational purposes only, nonbinding on BOLT, and without any guarantee. Actual transit and lead times are subject to various factors and may deviate from those set forth in the quotation.
  2. Without prejudice to any other rights BOLT possesses under these Terms or applicable law, BOLT reserves the right to amend the quotation if there are changes to the shipment information provided.
  3. Unless specifically agreed otherwise with the customer, this quotation is valid solely for the customer whose name appears at the top of the quotation. Should the customer nominate another party, the customer warrants that they have the authority to legally bind the nominated party in relation to the booking. In the absence of such authority, the customer will assume full liability and indemnify BOLT for any and all losses or costs or damages or consequences incurred as a result of such nomination.
  4. Prices are based on the information provided by the Customer at the time of the request. BOLT reserves the right to adjust the prices if there are changes in the scope of services, fuel surcharges, BAF, CAF, PRS, PSS, WRS, CBAM, ETS, International Security Port Surcharge, Low Sulphur Surcharge (LSF), Emergency Bunker Surcharge, Equipment Imbalance Surcharge, Emergency Rate Restoration Surcharge, GRI, Gulf of Eden Surcharge, Hazardous Surcharge,  Over Weight Surcharge, Suez Canal Surcharge, Special Equipment Surcharge,  congestion charges, currency fluctuations and GRI’s, or any other unforeseen expenses.
  5. All charges are exclusive of taxes, duties, and other governmental fees, which are the responsibility of the Customer.
  6. Once the booking has been accepted by the Customer, BOLT may adjust the transportation, shipping, sailing and arrival dates as necessary to secure the slot for the transportation of the goods on a carrier.
  7. All quotations provided by BOLT via the Website in relation to the carriage of specific goods are subject to acceptance by the Customer on behalf of BOLT, provided that the tank(s) carrying the goods are shipped within 30 days of the quotation date. BOLT will use reasonable endeavours to obtain carrier space as close to the preferred shipment date as possible but shall not be liable for any delays due to lack of available space on the scheduled or nominated vessel or not shipped due to shut out declared by the Vessel operator or any reason beyond the control of BOLT.
  8. BOLT will charge the customer the rates, charges, and surcharges, and apply any applicable exchange rates as of the booking approval date. This may result in changes to the rates initially quoted.
  9. This quotation does not constitute a commitment by BOLT to carry the customer’s cargo and is subject to BOLT's cargo acceptance policies, as well as equipment and space availability both at the time of receipt in writing by BOLT of the customer’s booking request and at the time of receipt of the full container quantity to be stated in the transport document.
  10. The Customer shall be responsible for properly and sufficiently classifying the Products, labelling, placarding, sealing, and/or marking the Tank Container in compliance with all applicable laws appropriate to the modality of the transport. Any costs, liabilities, fines, penalties, and/or expenses incurred by BOLT due to a breach of this obligation will be borne by the Customer.
  11. The customer shall be solely responsible for compensating any party for any damage resulting from discrepancies between the cargo’s classification as provided by the customer and its actual classification (e.g., dangerous goods). BOLT disclaims all responsibility and liability for such damage.
  12. If the Tank container is unable to be presented for periodic testing due to the acts or omissions of the Customer, the Customer shall be liable for all associated costs.
  13. Unless otherwise specified in the quotation, the payment terms of this quotation are subject to BOLT's discretion.
  14. This quotation, as well as all bookings and carriage, is subject to the terms and conditions available at BOLT's booking confirmation clauses, which can be found at booking confirmation clauses and to the applicable regulations.
  15. The quotation is based on the rates effective as of the date of the quotation. Consequently, BOLT reserves the right to revise or increase the rates provided in the quotation and to receive payment for any new charges or surcharges that may apply. Quotations are made according to the currency exchange rates prevailing at the time they are given and the same will remain valid during the validity of the quotation.
  16. Quotations are made on the basis of information supplied by the customer on the goods (nature, number, weight, volume), on the details of place of receipt and place of delivery, routes or the vessels, particularly considering the nature or the scope of the services to be provided, and in accordance with the current tariffs, laws, regulations, and international conventions. Quotations can be revised or suspended at any time, particularly in the event of the modification of the abovementioned tariffs, laws, regulations, conventions, or currency exchange rates, the interruption of traffic on the planned route, and more generally in the event of modification of the basic conditions of the quotation or the normal conditions of operation or execution caused by any unforeseen circumstances. Specifies weight limitations for shipments to Canada and the USA, with details on surcharges for payloads exceeding the allowed net payload.
  17. Prices do not include levies, fees, duties, cess and taxes due, particularly under fiscal or customs legislation, nor any other possible ancillary costs.
  18. Prices quoted are valid only if they have been accepted within 15 days. If one or more of the basic elements are modified after the quotation has been made, the original quotation shall be amended accordingly.
  19. Any and all costs arising due to cancellation of booking after the pickup of the tank container will be on Shipper’s account. These costs are not limited to lift on/lift off charges, tank cleaning and survey charges, damage caused while the tank was in Shipper or its appointed vendors’ custody.
  20. The rates quoted are subject to availability of suitable equipment at the time of placing booking.
  21. In case you wish to make changes to the nominated shipping line, the original rate plus the difference (if any) between the original rates and the cost of your preferred shipping line other than the nominated shipping line will apply.
  22. In the event of nonpayment by the Consignee, BOLT reserves the right to charge all incurred costs to the Shipper. BOLT shall have the right to recover the involved costs from the Shipper in case the Consignee fails to pay for such charges within 60 days of the final payment due date.
  23. BOLT reserves the right to charge additional costs incurred to the Shipper or the Consignee in the event the (inter)national situation causes surcharges in the nature of war risk, security measures, congestion, peak season, changes in bunker charges, changes in currency adjustment factor, changes in the routes or any other surcharges related to the status of the moment.
  24. Interest at 18% per month till the date of payment shall be charged to the Shipper in case of nonpayment by the Shipper within the credit period/agreed payment terms.
  25. Dangerous Goods (DG) or Hazardous Cargo applied for transport in question declared under UN numbers with Special Provision SP386 need to provide a declaration (copy of which is available upon request) on the shipper's letterhead. Failure to provide the declaration can lead to cancellation of booking or cessation in issuance of the bill of lading. Charges and/or costs incurred (if any) or loss sustained by BOLT due to such cancellation shall be recovered from the shipper.
  26. The offered rate is per tank, no claim can be made against loaded quantity compared to ordered quantity.
  27. Cleaning includes standard tank cleaning at destination with residue disposal for up to 20 litres. Additional costs, not limited to drumming, additional cleaning, waste disposal, and additional transportation costs after the free amount will be billed to the Consignee at cost. Any additional days taken to complete the disposal formalities will attract tank hire as per detention rate at port.
  28. Detention tariff and free days granted as per contract or Bill of lading will not be changed once tanks are picked up by the Shipper within the free days.
  29. Port of Loading: Free days at the port of loading are allowed from the date of pickup of the container to the sailing date of the nominated or scheduled vessel. If shipment is postponed or delayed at the request of the Shipper, the tank hire will be applicable and charged at the detention rate mentioned. If the container is delayed due to custom clearance or documentation delays by the Shipper or its vendor, BOLT shall bill the detention charges as per tariff after the free days irrespective of the actual sailing date of the cargo nominated or scheduled vessel. No waiver on detention shall be provided due to weather or other related delays, including but not limited to congestion, operational delays, rollovers, shut out and delay in arrival or sailing of the vessel intended to carry the cargo.
  30. Port of Discharge: Free days at the port of discharge are allowed from the date of arrival of the shipment at the destination port to complete custom formalities and delivery. The free days will end once the tank is returned back to the nominated depot of BOLT. If the Shipper fails to return the tank within the specified free days specified in the Delivery Order, the detention rate at the port of discharge as mentioned will be applicable after free days. Without prejudice to the Shipper’s liability to pay tank hire, BOLT will initially seek payment from the receiver / the Consignee and if payment has not been made within 60 days, BOLT will seek payment from the Shipper together with interest at the rate of 18 percent per month.
  31. In case of damage at port of loading or port of discharge, detention tariff as per above / quotation will be charged until the claim is settled or tank is repaired and back into service.
  32. All costs associated with the internal tank shell maintenance and repair, discoloration, and polishing caused by the product carried/heating will be charged back to the Consignee. In case the Consignee fails or disputes to pay the same, the shipper will be liable to pay the charges.
  33. Any damage to the interior and exterior of the tank container caused due to the product will be borne by the Shipper and the Shipper indemnifies BOLT against the full cost of repairs up to the replacement value of the tank container i.e. USD 35,000 in case it is deemed to be a total loss. This includes but shall not be limited to pitting of the inner shell or valve assemblies and to the other accessories.
  34. BOLT shall provide a clean, dry, and odour free tank container. However, the Shipper is free to inspect the tank container and its fitments before the pickup from the depot/yard and notify/reject the tank container with an appropriate reason and shall provide with supporting documents such as Pre-inspection Survey Report / Photographs. Once the container is picked up, it will be deemed to be presumed that empty tank container delivered is in perfect, sound condition, cargo worthy state, clean, dry and odour free condition. Any claim arising after taking delivery of the empty tank container for stuffing, due to contamination, loss, colour change, etc of the cargo, by the Shipper or by the Consignee, thereafter, the same will not be entertained or honoured by BOLT.
  35. This quotation can’t be considered or treated as a confirmation of acceptance of booking or an assurance of acceptance of the shipment.
  36. This Quotation is strictly subject to sanctions check and approval.
  37. This Quotation is Subject to cargo and MSDS approval and compatibility with BOLT ISO Tanks
  38. In the event the customer leases BOLT’s tank (owned or leased by BOLT), Customer shall ensure that during the duration of entire voyage of vessel and/or her original or Disponent owner and/or any ownership in the chain is not directly or indirectly related to any restricted country such as Iran, Cuba, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan, Russia, and Syria and any other restricted country and is fully in compliance with the U.S. Sanctions administered by the U.S. Office of foreign asset control (OFAC), the HM treasury of the United Kingdom, the united nations, the European union and/or the SECO applicable sanctions legislation.
  39. This quotation, as well as all bookings and carriage, is subject to the terms and conditions available at BOLT's booking terms and conditions which can be made available at demand.
  40. Once the tank container is picked up by the Merchant (hereinafter referred to as "Party"), the Party expressly acknowledges and agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions set forth by BOLT. This acceptance is deemed to occur regardless of whether the Party has physically signed or explicitly acknowledged the terms and conditions prior to pick up. By taking possession of the tank container, the Party accepts all obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities outlined in BOLT's Booking terms and conditions, Standard Terms and Condition, General Terms and Conditions & Delivery Order & Release Order Terms and conditions which are incorporated by reference into this agreement and available upon request The Party assumes full liability for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to the use, handling, and transportation of the tank container and its contents. No exceptions or modifications to these terms and conditions will be valid unless expressly agreed upon in writing by an authorized representative of BOLT prior to the pickup of the tank container. The Party confirms that it has read, understood, and agreed to BOLT's terms and conditions and acknowledges that failure to comply with these terms may result in penalties, additional charges, or legal action as deemed necessary by BOLT. The Party agrees to continually comply with BOLT's terms and conditions throughout the duration of the tank container's use, and any subsequent actions related to the tank container will be governed by these terms and conditions. By picking up the tank container, the Party consents to the entirety of this clause and recognizes its legal enforceability.
  41. BOLT reserves the right to revise, modify, or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Such revisions, modifications, or amendments shall be effective immediately upon posting on BOLT’s website or upon direct communication to the Customer via email or other means. It is the responsibility of the Customer to review these Terms and Conditions periodically to ensure awareness of any updates. Continued use of BOLT’s services following the posting of any changes to these Terms and Conditions constitutes acceptance of those changes. BOLT will make reasonable efforts to notify the Customer of significant changes to these Terms and Conditions, but the Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is ultimately their responsibility to remain informed about such changes. Revisions to these Terms and Conditions will be undertaken as deemed necessary by BOLT to reflect changes in the law, regulatory requirements, or business practices. BOLT attempts to conduct timely reviews and revisions at least annually or as required by changing circumstances to ensure the Terms and Conditions remain up-to-date and compliant. These Terms and Conditions, as revised from time to time, are binding on both BOLT and the Customer. No modification of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer shall be binding on BOLT unless agreed to in writing and signed by an authorized representative of BOLT.
  42. Customer(s) may secure additional free time at a preferential rate of USD 10 per tank(s) per day, provided such a request is expressly made prior to the confirmation of the booking. It is expressly understood that this preferential rate shall not be available for request(s) made post-confirmation. In the absence of pre-arranged additional free time, standard detention charges shall unequivocally apply to any resultant delays, and full settlement of such charges shall be a precondition to the release of the bill of lading.


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